The Institute for
Digital Investigations

Informing Crisis With
Clear/visible Evidence

Data-Driven Crisis Predictions.

DEEP DIVE is a non-profit private intelligence organization.
The proliferation and intensification of geopolitical risk is now unprecedented. Decision-making by nations and private companies are required a broader awareness of the situation and more accurate risk forecasting than ever before.
DEEP DIVE’s mission is to deliver warnings with clear and visible evidence earlier than the mass media to report crises through analyzing Digital Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) includes Satellite imageries.
DEEP DIVE can be a node between nations, between government and public. DEEP DIVE is using OSINT, then a government can share the intelligence provided by DEEP DIVE with other nations and public include medias.

For research requests, media inquiries, or any other questions regarding DEEP DIVE,
please contact us here.

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